My fortune cookie today said an important package was going to come in the mail. I really hope it's an iranian passport.
I'm working on new and half-written songs today here in Dallas. Uncle Craig has been really good to me - over the weekend we visited (among other things) the Dallas state fair and had our photos taken with a blue ribbon steer. I learned that antlers molt and grow back but an animal with horns has the same set for life.
My time south of the border is still percolating in my head; I can't help but see things differently here in the United States now that I'm back. Over a lifetime of living here I have gotten so used to having access to more or less whatever I want or need - and to that being normal. I am getting a fuller picture that our country is the exception and not the rule. I'll try to post 4 photos from my trip for the next few posts:
This was a market I especially liked in Mexico City
The green fruit was very like a pomegranite - I forget the name now
Part of a massive Mexico City bakery, way bigger and fancier than usual
Mexico City trashman - the barrel swivels so he can dump it out
In all the countries I visited most people were really skilled at fixing things when they broke and recycling old parts. I saw a family of 9 drive down the street in a car so old it undulated as if it had several moving parts. Every computer I used had been somehow frankensteined together. The incredible ingenuity and resourcefulness was inspiring. I would like to be a part of a world that wastes less.