Monday, March 15


2 shows in Nashville; waiting to hear back from Birmingham.  Then on to play a show hosted by my friend Ken in New Orleans.  I'm enjoying the south.  Last night we had the first Nashville show at the home of Chris's friend and former bandmate Camo Davi.  I opted to sit that show out so Chris and Camo could rock it old school style - Camo's a veteran beat boxer who I have much to learn from.

Here's the second video Hanon shot and cut for Chris back in NYC; it's a real gem.  This is a new song called "Damascus", not on any album yet and one of my personal favorites.  Hanon's work is, as usual, nothing short of gorgeous.


  1. Elizabeth SaundersApril 9, 2010 at 9:04 PM

    This is gorgeous (both the videography and the music)! It's funny - of course I've seen videos like this my whole life, but until it was done by someone I know, it never occurred to me to notice how intricate it is or think about how it was done! xo

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Elizabeth! It was fun for me to have Hanon, Chris and I together to make it.
