Tuesday, August 3

Mi Villeno Favorito

After many days of searching I found a map of the whole of Mexico today - and it's beautiful. I've been having a hard time wrapping my mind around the geography here and this map has it all; each region by page, plus a whole map of the country with distance tables and an index...I'm kind of a geek for details. I have a fetish for really thorough footnotes too - to the point where I get disappointed when I read a book without footnotes.

Day 3 staying at this hostile with my new friend Loius. I was supposed to visit a friend of my aunt Betty's in the Yucatan peninsula but it didn't work out and I decided to stay here in Mexico city for a while longer. I asked Louis how he cleans his clothes and he said he washes them by hand in the sink of our dorm with a bar of laundry soap. So he gave me directions to the supermarcado - and I swear I followed them exactly! But I got lost and ended up in a local market (which is much more interesting than a supermarcado anyhow) and found a huge bar of rose scented laundry soap there. Then I bought some clothesline, came home and tied it between two bunkbeds...which made Loius laugh when he saw my clothes hanging there. He showed me how he just hangs his clothes on the bars of the bunk and hangs his shirts on coat hangers. So I washed my (now 3, I bought an extra one) shirts, my 5 new pairs of socks, 2 of 3 pair of underwear (had to wear something!) and in the morning all my clothes will be clean. I really enjoyed hand washing, I'd never done more than one garment at a time.

Now I'm in the hostile lobby, just made friends with a woman from Turkey and two men from India. Oh, and I took in a movie today just as it was about to downpour; "Mi Villeno Favorito" - the. US cartoon despicable me in Spanish. The language was nice and simple and clear.

- Posted with big thumbs on the tiny keyboard of my iPod

Location:Mexico City

1 comment:

  1. 03 Août 2010,

    C'est impressionant la manière laquel je vois mon propre pays maintenant, c'est comme si dès que je te connais je commence à voir comme un étranger toute la ville, ca m'étonne de voir toute l'histoire et culture où j'ai habité pendant les 20 ans de ma vie. Je suis allée au palais d'Iturbide, je voulais oublier un peu mes problemes à l'école et rechercher le sens et la raison du bonheure, quand j'étais de retour chez moi , la seule chose à laquel je pensais était de t'écrire, de te faire éprouver un peu de moi, de mon esprit et de ce que tu viens de changer dans ma vie.

